Why you should fall in love with an online gift voucher system this Valentine’s Day

In the scheme of great love affairs, falling for an online gift voucher system may not immediately spring to mind, but for marketing managers in hotels and restaurants, this could be one to ‘swipe right’. Gift vouchers provide a valuable revenue stream to hospitality businesses, and as a bonus they also introduce new customers to your venue.
Gift vouchers make you money
According to the Gift Card & Voucher Association, the gift card and voucher industry was worth almost £7 bn in the UK in 2020*. They also reported that around 70% of gift card recipients spend 60% more than the value of the gift when they come to redeem it.
This isn’t surprising since these guests haven’t paid for the experience in the first place, and it means that gift vouchers work even harder for you as a revenue-generator. In addition, 20% of gift card recipients are introduced to a new brand. The benefit to you is that your business receives (paid for) referrals from your existing client base.
And finally … (can there be more?) a percentage of vouchers are never redeemed. This ‘breakage’ value goes straight to your bottom line as you do not need to deliver the pre-paid service.
What’s not to love?
Annual gift-giving events drive sales
While Christmas accounts for 50% of annual voucher sales, Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day and most significantly, Mother’s Day also stimulate consumers to buy gifts. Beyond these dates, we all give birthday, wedding, anniversary and thank you gifts. These regular purchases form the backbone of gift voucher sales for hotels, restaurants and spas.
Why use an online gift voucher system ?
You can’t benefit from these opportunities if you don’t have an easy way to sell to your prospects and fulfil voucher orders. The most obvious way is to sell from a specialist shop on your website and that’s where the One Tree Online Gift Voucher System comes in.
Accessibility increases sales
First and foremost your shop is always open and customers can buy at their convenience, every day, throughout the day. You won’t miss any enquiries. The peak times for buying vouchers is between 9 am and 10 am in the morning and during the evenings – both times that your staff are likely to be busy or not available to deal with requests. Adding a specialist gift voucher shop to your website is likely to increase sales by 100% and sales trend upwards year-on-year as your clientele becomes more aware of your range of vouchers.
Reduced staff overhead
Issuing, emailing, posting and tracking vouchers also takes up precious staff resource, adding to the cost of sale. One Tree handles all of this for you, from delivering a smooth customer buying journey, to sending out all vouchers, through to providing a comprehensive Management Portal to redeem and track vouchers. Powerful reporting keeps managers in control, with a real-time picture of the status of all vouchers sold.
So if you’re looking for ways to increase your income this year without taking staff away from their primary roles, think about adding the One Tree online gift voucher system to automate your voucher sales.
Time to fall in love?
Are you ready to make a passive income from Valentine’s Day in 2023 and benefit from further sales opportunities this year? Take the next step and try the buying experience for yourself on our demo site. It’s completely free to try with no commitment. Click here to buy a sample voucher now.
*Gift Card & Voucher Association: ‘Valuing the UK Gift Card Industry 2020 Report’