Spring clean your gift voucher system

gift voucher offering

Most hospitality businesses have an annual cycle of intense activity, where the key focus is on delivering an excellent customer experience, followed by quieter periods. In the build up to the busy summer season, Q2 can be a good moment to review your current processes. It’s worth making sure that you have the best gift voucher system in place to save staff overhead and maximise profitability.

Setting aside an hour now to review how you sell and manage gift vouchers will pay dividends over the course of the summer and during the all-important Christmas 2024 gifting season. These are some of the key features to consider.

Do you offer a smooth customer journey?

The less friction involved in making a purchase, the more likely it is that sales will increase. An online gift voucher system allows you to run digital promotions linking directly to your web shop. This creates a smooth journey for customers to purchase there and then, all day every day. It doesn’t matter whether your venue is open or closed or whether you have staff available to answer the phone.

Can you easily analyse your sales figures?

What volume of vouchers are you currently selling? Gift vouchers are valuable to your business for several reasons.

  • They act as a paid recommendation. Existing customers buy gift vouchers for their friends and family, introducing new people to your business.
  • The recipient of the gift is likely to spend in excess of the original cost of the voucher. This brings in more revenue.
  • Non-redemptions hit your bottom line, adding more income, with no outgoings.

If you are wading through spreadsheets or do not have sales information at your fingertips, One Tree can provides a solution. With real-time sales figures, comparisons between trading years and different packages, you have an instant overview of your voucher business. You can easily see how much money you are making and which are your most valuable gift items.

Do you have hassle-free fulfilment?

Consumers expect an instant response when placing orders, so a service where email vouchers are delivered within minutes and postal vouchers arrive within a day or so is a must. If you simply don’t have enough time or staff, outsourcing will take away this increased workload.

Can you track and redeem vouchers?

Gift vouchers represent money within your business, so the security around issuing and redeeming vouchers is paramount. Unique voucher codes and a management system to redeem and check the validity of a voucher is critical for keeping control. (Spoiler alert – a spreadsheet is not a good way to manage this!)

One Tree – a gift voucher system to solve all these requirements

Would you like to find our more about how the One Tree gift voucher system would benefit your business? Send an email, call on 01761 472911 or try ordering a test gift voucher for yourself on our demo site.

Author :

Louise has spent her marketing career working on software products and systems that help companies make more money with less effort. She is an expert in gift voucher marketing and loves sharing that knowledge with clients in the hospitality industry.